
Neutralisation modeling

I was trying to find a dynamic model to simulate the behaviour of a simple neutralisation reactor in the chemical industry, where an alkaline input flow is neutralised with acid in a continuously stirred tank reactor. I was unable to find a complete and simple model in the web, thus I propose two different but equal solutions to this problem. It will be seen that the modeling part is quite quickly done, but it is quite difficult to propose a stable control loop for this highly non-linear system. Enjoy the read!

  • Article about the modeling here
  • Matlab scripts and Simulink models here
  • Interactive Simulink models (intuitive / web-based) here
  • Interactive Simulink models (academic / web-based) here
CSTR neutralisation
(Published 3.1.2015)

Keywords: pH, reactor, modeling, Simulink, Matlab, neutralisation, neutralization, model, acid, base, alkaline,